LOGAN This is all about the Play and Fun! Oh Yes, and Fun!
She's a really smart girl and she can keep a conversation going with just about anyone in Miami, but meeting her for the first time you immediately realize, she is all about the fun. If having exceptional fun, no matter how you plan your date, is your ultimate goal, Logan is going to be one of the best escort Miami has to offer you.
She has the face of that gorgeous kid next door, but no neighbor walks around with a body like Logan's. She has the most tempting little outfits that draw your eyes to all the right places. It'll take just minutes to know she's a bundle of creative mischief that will not slow down. In fact, you better be ready to keep this little minx busy, or she'll find a way to keep herself busy right there while you watch!
1) So Logan, where do you get all your energy?
Honestly, I have always been really energetic, I love to keep busy. I take good care of myself, and I love to eat great food. Food is fuel for the body, it gets the machine working and the momentum continues from there. If I ever start feeling like my energy level is low, all I need is a bowl of ice cream and I am up and at it again and again. If my date enjoys ice cream, there's a good change he's gonna get a few bites here and there.
2) Where would you pick if your date said he'd take you anywhere you want to go?
That has happened a few times, actually. When I first got to Miami, a date took me on a helicopter ride so I could see the sun rise up over the ocean. It pleased me so much I tried to imagine what I could give him that would make him feel as happy as he made me. Then that's exactly what I did. We landed in that sexy helicopter, two very happy people!