KAMI Can Dance! She really Knows What's Classy Too!
This is the woman every man dreams about. Dark, thick, rich hair, and catwoman blue ice eyes that never miss a thing. She even has that same stealthy walk usually reserved for model runways. She is the first to admit that she's not bashful about her body, which is only one thing about Kami that you are going to love. She's been known to give her dates a little taste in the beginning just so they won't wonder if things are going to go well later on. Kami is known for pushing the limits, the people she escorts are known for their totally pleasured smiles.
Lady of Confidence Lady of Grace, Also a Lady with Really Good Taste!
One of my decadent pleasures is to use natural products to keep my hair, skin and fingernails glowing and healthy. My favorite thing to do before going on an escorts in Miami date, is to take a long, leisurely soak in the bathtub. I use very sweet essential oils to bring out my own natural fragrances. I just love it when a date compliments my sweet smelling hair.
1) What happens if your date doesn't dance Kami?
I want to spend our time together doing everything he wants to do with me, if he doesn't like dancing, then it's off the table, simple as that. If he wants to learn, there's a lot I am able to teach him. On the other hand, there is lots more we can do in a club like play pool, or video games, meet some people and laugh a lot. I really enjoy laughing, a whole bunch.
2) Such a beautiful girl that you are Cami, why do enjoy your work so much?
There's a lot of make believe going on in todays' world. It doesn't matter what kind of work you do, everyone is pretending for someone, it seems. Being my very best while working for Miami Beach Escorts is like the best of both worlds because I get to pick who I want to spend my time with, and if he wants to pretend, it's the kind of pretending I love. It's not like working in a stuffy old board room, or in a bank.